I’ve been online for a long time.
I realized I loved writing when I started using Xanga in the 00s. Social media did not exist yet, but kids my age found a way to make the blogging platform into one of the strongest predecessors to the social media empires we know today. Around that time, I also started experimenting with theatre, creative writing classes and video editing. It was the first great creative awakening of my life.
Somewhere along the way, I lost track of blogging. There’s no telling how many I’ve created over the years only to write one or two posts and let them disappear into the internet graveyard. I got too used to tweets and status updates.
I am launching this Substack because I need a place to write and challenge myself to do more long-form writing. I realized recently that I’d poured nearly all my writing energy into Twitter. While that was fine for quite some time, it’s not okay anymore. The platform is fundamentally broken. Technically and culturally.
I love to connect with people through writing. It’s why Twitter has always been my favorite social platform. I could never feel like I could connect well through photos or videos - and Twitter was one of the only places left to value text-based interaction.
So, if you’ve ever connected with me in person or on social media, I hope you’ll join me here too. Subscribing via email will ensure any new posts go straight to your inbox, and it helps me reach more people too. You’ll be the first to see my latest musings on technology, politics, culture, movies and television. There’s really no topic off-limits.
See you soon.
Godspeed, Spider-Man.